Trump Elected!!!

     The original goal of this grid was to get Donald J. Trump elected as the 47th President of the United States. That goal has been achieved. Yay! Now I will be shutting down the grid. 

     The end comes as both bitter and sweet. Sweet that Trump got elected but bitter as that is just the start of Making America Great Again/ Make Earth Great Again, the ultimate goal!

     What I would really love to create would be at first a grid focused on MAGA. That grid would be an education resource for parents to use to teach their children, and in some cases themselves (as Civics classes have disappeared out of the education curriculum) about the history and status of the United States as well as your rights and responsibilities of every US citizen.

     I would like the grid to consist of an official welcome area (that I would create and manage) and 50 regions (created, hosted and managed by 50 Americans). Each region would be provided a terrain map and preconfigured grid software to use for that region and the region owner would, at one point, have lived in that state, after that it would be up to the region owner to do as they pleased to create a region to promote their state. State animals, birds, plants, what type of industry sustains the state, history of that state, etc. etc.. What ever you would think would promote your state as Great.

     So that's my long term desire for MAGA Grid US but that will depend on other people. The grid as is exists on my home network and that has worked out fine for the amount of concurrent traffic to the grid when it was only the one region to elect Trump but as a robust server for 51 regions (states and welcome area) and the associated traffic, it just wouldn't be enough so part of moving the grid to this goal would be to seek some financial support to get the main grid server (robust) into a data center and on a state of the art server (speed and bandwidth wise). So if you are someone with pockets deeper than mine is interested in supporting a grid such as this contact me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Unfortunately I've had to shut down a lot of the functions for self registering and allowing people to use the current server to communicate (beyond the text/voice of the grid itself) as apparently not everyone who knows how to work a computer wanted Donald J. Trump to win and it has been one giant target for hackers since the day I launched it. So please, use the email listed above if you would wish to become a supporter of a MAGA Grid US as I just described. Personally, I have been in a brain cancer battle the last three years and that has rather much depleted my funds for being able to provide the funding (my original idea) the grid in a data center.

    Now, without that support coming forward I want to say... thank you to all that visited and to all that left me with kind words of support (believe me, not all that visited had kind words for me! lol). Trump Won! Goal achieved, the grid is shutting down (I'll eventually release the domain name when it comes time to renew).

    If you are a deep pocket person and want to support such a thing I want to say... great, thank you for helping to make America great again. Once we're done with the US we'll move on to making Earth great again (same idea expanded out to include all the countries of the world).

      God bless America, Amen!